Hydra Flash Instructions
Program your chip with Hydra Flash
- Your Hydra Chip is blank when you receive it. Install HydraFlash software from the supplied disc or download HERE.
- With HydraFlash open, connect the supplied USB cable to the chip and the computer.
- The 15 programmable positions will appear in the HydraFlash software.
- Locate the PCM code on the top of your PCM. Instructions can be found HERE..
- In the HydraFlash software click on the “Tool” tab.
- Select the “Box/ HEX Conversion” tool.
- Within the “Box/ HEX Conversion” window you will need to select your PCM code from the drop down list on the left.
- Once you select your PCM code from the list, the remaining fields will populate.
- In the middle of the window, there will be a field labeled “Recommended preferred calibration” – the HEX code you will be using will be listed there (if you do not find a HEX code listed there, revert to the top-right of the screen and there will be a HEX code listed there)
- Once you find your HEX code, make sure you write it down for future reference.
- Now you can close the window and go back to the main HydraFlash screen.
- Beside all of the calibration slots there will be a button that says “change”.
- Clicking that button will bring up a long list of tunes.
- Scroll through the list until you find your Hex code.
- You can select any of the calibrations that have your HEX code next to them.
- Select the tune you want for that position, and for every other position you choose to program.
- After you have selected calibrations for the positions you intend to use, click the “Program” button on the left side of the screen.
- Once the chip is programmed you are ready to install.