Hydra Flash Instructions

Program your chip with Hydra Flash



  1. Your Hydra Chip is blank when you receive it. Install HydraFlash software from the supplied disc or download HERE.
  2. With HydraFlash open, connect the supplied USB cable to the chip and the computer.
  3. The 15 programmable positions will appear in the HydraFlash software.
  4. Locate the PCM code on the top of your PCM. Instructions can be found HERE..
  5. In the HydraFlash software click on the “Tool” tab.
  6. Select the “Box/ HEX Conversion” tool.
  7. Within the “Box/ HEX Conversion” window you will need to select your PCM code from the drop down list on the left.
  8. Once you select your PCM code from the list, the remaining fields will populate.
  9. In the middle of the window, there will be a field labeled “Recommended preferred calibration” – the HEX code you will be using will be listed there (if you do not find a HEX code listed there, revert to the top-right of the screen and there will be a HEX code listed there)
  10. Once you find your HEX code, make sure you write it down for future reference.
  11. Now you can close the window and go back to the main HydraFlash screen.
  12. Beside all of the calibration slots there will be a button that says “change”.
  13. Clicking that button will bring up a long list of tunes.
  14. Scroll through the list until you find your Hex code.
  15. You can select any of the calibrations that have your HEX code next to them.
  16. Select the tune you want for that position, and for every other position you choose to program.
  17. After you have selected calibrations for the positions you intend to use, click the “Program” button on the left side of the screen.
  18. Once the chip is programmed you are ready to install.